• Founded in 1842

  • Ukraine, Drohovych, Lviv Region

The choral synagogue was built in the period of oil industry flourishing in Drohovych region. The construction started in 1842 and lasted for almost 23 years – until 1865. The height of the synagogue to the top of the cornice is 19.5 m – that is approximately as a six-storey building, 35 m wide, and 37 m long. The top is crowned by Moses’ scrolls, and under them one may find 12 arcs symbolizing 12 generations of Israel. In the Soviet period the synagogue served as a warehouse. At first – for salt, then – for fabric, and later a furniture shop was accommodated here. Only at the beginning of the nineties the building was given back to the local Jewish community, full of trees and weed, with a destroyed roof. And the very icon room looked like a ruin. The initial colour of the synagogue, olive, was identified thanks to the research made by the chief designer of “Ukrzakhidrestavratsiya”, the former resident of Drohobych Zenon Lahush. Nowadays the building exterior is of greenish colour. At the current stage of its history the premises of the Drohobych choral synagogue are used as a certain platform for art exhibitions and projects.

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