• Founded in 1925

  • Ukraine, Lviv, Lviv Region

Closer to the end of the XIXth century the first plans of restoring the presence of Capuchins in Lviv were developed. In the XVIIIth century a monastery of this order, cancelled during the Joseph reforms, already functioned there. Archbishop Józef Bilczewski suggested settling them closer to Lviv in the village of Zamarstyniv, and it was finally decided that way. The council of the Zamarstyniv gmina was presented one and a half morgs of land, on which a temporary wooden church was built. The monastery complex consists of the church, the monastery, and the parish building. It is located in the northern part of Lviv. The church is built of brick and stone, plastered only from the inside. The monastery is built of bricks, plastered. The parish building is made of brick, non-plastered.
The church is a three-nave one, with an oblongated presbytery. The central nave is much higher than the lateral ones, covered with two square parts of domes and one short part for the loft.

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