• Founded in 1464

  • Ukraine, Pidkamin, Lviv Region

The monastery is mentioned in historical documents for the first time in 1464 when the owner of Pidmakin, Petro Cebrovskyi, invited the Dominicans to this urban village to develop spiritual life there. The XVth century monastery has not survived till present, in particular, due to the attack made by the Ottomans-Turks in 1519, during which the urban village and the monastery were destroyed. Since then and up to the beginning of the XVIIth c. the Tatars devastated the monastery several times. In 1746 one could obtain higher theological education at the monastery as well as master different crafts. But the monastery became most famous for the proclamation of the icon of the Holy Virgin as wonder-working, and the mount of Rozhanytsya as a holy mount. In 1946 the Soviet authorities arranged a concentration camp for the Ukrainian clergy there, and in the Soviet times – a transit prison. Later a psychoneurologic closed-type institution was founded there. The cathedral transformed into a stable, and later – into a garage. In 1997 the sacral buildings and a part of cells were given to the monks of the Studite order of the UGCC. That very year reconstruction of the shrine was launched. Today the monastery complex is called the Monastery of the Origin of the God’s Cross Tree. 

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